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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Prayer- by Swami Vivekananda

1. By prayer one’s subtle powers are easily roused.

2. What good is it, if we acknowledge in our prayer that God is the Father of us all and in our daily lives does not treat every man as our brother?

3. Prayer and praise are the first means of growth.

4. The feeling of want is the real prayer, not the words. But you must patience to wait and see if your prayers are answered.

5. Despondency is not religion, whatever else it may be by being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you nearer to God, nearer than any prayer.

6. Mother is the first manifestation of power…She is the sum total of the energy in the universe…Established in the idea of mother, we can do anything. She quickly answers prayer.

7. When a man prays to God, ‘Give me this, and give that’, it is not love. How can it be? I offer you a prayer and you give me something in return; that is what it is, mere shop-keeping.

8. Is prayer a magic formula, by repeating which, even if you do not work hard, you gain miraculous results? No. All have to work hard; all have to reach depths of that infinite energy. It is not that one man works hard, and another by repeating a few words achieves results. This universe is a constant prayer. If you take prayer in this sense, I am with you. Words are not necessary. Better is silent prayer.


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